EV charging for commercial properties

In an era defined by a growing concern for the environment and swift technological advancements, the demand for workplace electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure has soared. At Black Rook, we excel in providing innovative solutions customized to address the distinct EV charging needs of commercial properties.

Why workplace EV Charging Infrastructure Matters

As the popularity of electric vehicles surges, employees in workplaces are increasingly looking for convenient and accessible charging options. By investing in EV charging infrastructure, property owners can:

Attract tenants

Competitive edge with EV charging. Employee attraction and retention. Tenant appeal with charging amenities.

Increase property value and marketability

EV infrastructure boosts property value. Properties with EV chargers commands more rent. Attracts high value tenants/guests.

Meet regulatory requirements

Proactive steps ensure compliance Tenants demand sustainability measures Future-proof with EV charging

Turn your parking spots into profit centers

EV charging helps monetize parking spaces Retail properties profit from chargers Commercial real estate fills charger gap

Reasons to Consider Installing a Commercial EV Charger

Recent industry data indicates there are over 5.6 million electric vehicles currently on the roads. Analysts predict this number to surge to 18.7 million by 2030. With the rapid rise of electric cars, it's advantageous for your business to provide charging solutions for potential customers. While many EV owners charge at home, the convenience of on-the-go charging is invaluable. Installing a commercial EV charger offers numerous benefits, including:

Electric vehicle tax incentives and rebates
Attracting and retaining clients
Showcasing your company’s commitment to sustainability

Tap into rebates

Numerous federal, state, and local initiatives are in place to support EV adoption. However, navigating through them all can be a cumbersome task for local small business groups or retailers looking to install EV chargers on their premises. EV charging businesses that can efficiently identify relevant programs for their clients will gain a competitive edge in the commercial EV charging landscape.

Join the Green Revolution: Invest in EV Charging Infrastructure Today!

Ready to take the first step towards a greener future for your  commercial/industrial property? schedule a consultation with one of our EV charging infrastructure experts.